Admin Settings
In admin settings user can view, add, edit and delete the admin settings
To check admin settings
Go to settings
In settings select the admin settings
Company settings
To view or edit the company settings
Go to company settings
In company settings user can view or edit the details
Regional setting
To view or edit the Regional setting
Go to Regional setting
You can view or edit the Regional setting
Logo and Title
In logo and title user can view or edit the company logo and title
Go to Logo and Title
User can view or edit the details
If user wants to change the logo, portal image or portal background image, click in the delete button and upload the new file
Visibility Configuration
In Visibility Configuration, user can view and edit the employee details which will be visible on my profile, public profile, and the employee details which will be editable for employee
Go to Visibility Configuration
View all the details which are enable for my profile, public profile, and editable for employee
In my profile, the details which are enabled, only that will be visible on the self-employee profile
In public profile, the details which are enabled, only that will be visible for public
In employee editable, the details which are enabled, only that details will be editable for employee in my profile
In QAF User, user can configure the home page for an employee
Go to Users
To add a new QAF user click on +New Record
Add all the details and save
In the Home field, the url user is adding, that will be the home page for the employee while login.
User will be added in the list
Media Library
In media library user can add and delete the media files
Go to media library
Click in the plus button
Add the title and upload the media file and save
A new file will be added in the media library
To delete the media file, mouse hover on the file, A delete option will appear, click on the delete button
Give the confirmation in pop up and file will be deleted
CSS Library
In CSS Library user can add css files
Go to CSS Library
Click on the plus button to add new css file
Add the details and save
A new css file will be added in the list
To delete the css file, mouse hover on the file, A delete option will appear, click on the delete button
Give the confirmation in pop up and file will be deleted