Create and Manage Template and Template Task
"Template tasks" are predefined task structures or models that include task details, descriptions, deadlines, priorities, and other attributes commonly associated with tasks.
Create template
Click on more and Go to Manage Template
Click on +Template
Add template title then click on save
Newly created template shows on the top
Add Task Under a Template
Click on Add Task
Enter the details in the Create Task page and hit enter button
User can view created task under a template
Import Template Task in Planner
Go to more and click on Add List
Select template and container and click on Add Task
User can view imported tasks in the plan
Delete Template and Template Task
Template and Task once added can be deleted if no longer necessary
To delete Task and Template
Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted
Edit Template and Template Task
You can choose to edit the lead that you have created.
To edit Template and Task
Make the necessary changes and click on Save
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Last updated 10 months ago