Org Event
User can check the organization event in Org Event
To check organization event,
Go to HR
Click on Org Event
To add an event click on +Event
While adding an event details, if user is adding a location in Applicable for location field then that event will be visible for that location only
Add all the details of event and save
Added event will be shown in the calendar
If user has to add any event for the specific location, then select that location in Applicable for Location and it will be visible only for the selected location and not visible for the current user
Not showing the event
To check the details of event, click on the event date
Check all the details for added event
If user wants to check the previous or next month event, click on the previous or next
Check the event for previous or next month
If the user wants to check the weekly event, click on the week
A weekly event will show on the calendar
To check the event details, mouse hover on the event title, it will show the details of event
If user wants to check the day wise event, click on the Day
A day wise event will show on the calendar
To check the event details, mouse hover on the event title, it will show the details of event
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Last updated 3 months ago