The Contacts feature within QuickAppFlow enables you to consolidate all your contacts into a single location, complete with their affiliations with corresponding companies.
Create and Manage Contact
QuickAppFlow allows you to create a contact in the following ways:
Create contact Individually.
Import Contacts.
Create Contact Individually
In the left navigation, find “Sales” then jump on “Contacts”.
On the contact page, find the +New button and click.
Enter the details in the Contact Information form and Save
You will find your New Contact in the list.
Import Contacts
When you have a huge list of contacts stored in a spreadsheet and wish to incorporate them into your QAF account as contacts, you have the option to import the file, resulting in their inclusion as contacts.
Click on the Import button.
Click on the Download template for uploading bulk data
Make sure you fill up all Required fields while importing data
After filling in all the details click on the Upload Bulk Data button
Check here Imported Contacts
Edit Contact
You can choose to edit the contact that you have created.
To edit contact
Enter details of contact and click on the Save button
Delete Contact
Contact once added can be deleted if no longer necessary
To delete Contact
Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted
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Last updated 3 months ago