Add Customer from the Mobile App
A customer's presence in a field sales app is essential for effective sales processes.Sales representative require access to customer data,like contact information, route name & past interactions
Add Customer
In the mobile app, QuickAppFlow allows you to add customer in the following ways:
1. Add customer individually
2. Add customer from Today Plan
3. Add customer for Selected Route
Add Customer Individually
In QuickAppflow app select the Field Sales
In the menu, click on the Customers
Allow to access the device Location
Add all the details and Save
Newly added customer will be in the first position on the list
Add customer from Today Plan
To add a customer to the Today Plan, click on Today Plan
Allow to access the device Location
On Today plan page, click on +Customer
Add all the details of the customer and Save
Newly added customer will be in the first position on the list
Add Customer for Selected Route
In Today Plan, select the route to which you want to add a customer
Click on the +Customer
In the Customer details form, Route will be filled automatically, add the rest of the details, and Save
The Customer will be added under the selected Route
Customer Activity
Edit Customer Details
Select the customers
In the Customers, click on the Actions (3 vertical dots)
In the pop-up, click on the Edit option
Allow to access the device Location
Edit all the details and Save
Update Customer Location
Select the customer
In the Customers click on the Actions (3 vertical dots)
In the pop-up, click on the Update Location
Allow to access the device location
A message that the location has been updated will appear on the top
Delete Customer
In the Customers click on the Actions (3 vertical dots)
In the pop-up, click on Delete
Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted