A customer is an individual or entity that has a relationship with a business.
Create and Manage Customer
In QuickappFlow CRM, you can add customers in three ways
Convert the opportunity into a customer
Add customer individually
Import customers
Convert the opportunity into a customer
To convert opportunity
Go to Sales and click on Opportunity
You need to select that convert opportunity as New Customer or Existing Customer, move this opportunity to stage, and click on the convert button
The newly added Customer will be in the first position on the list
Add customer individually
On the customer page, click on the +New button to add a New Customer
Add all the details and click on Save
The newly added Customer will be in the first position on the list
Import customers
When you have a huge list of contacts in a spreadsheet and you would like to add them as Customers in your system, you can import the file and they will be added as Customers.
On the Customer page, click on the Import button
You can Download Template in xlsx format
Make Sure you fill up all Required Fields data while importing data
Click on Upload bulk data to upload your Opportunity list
After uploading Customers in xlsx file format, you can see imported customers in the customer list
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Last updated 11 months ago