User Permission
Create Role
Permissions are often assigned based on user roles. Different roles may have different levels of access within the app. For example, an administrator might have full control permissions, while a standard user might have limited access
Go to CRM App and click on Permission and then Role.
Click on +Role button
Enter Role Name and Permission and click on Save button
A New Role is added at the top
Create Team
You can create team from team.
Go to Permission and jump to Team
Click on +Team button to create team
Enter Team Name and Users which you want to add in the team (Here shows only those users which are mapped in user mapping)
A New Team is added at the top
Give Permission to user or Team.
You can give access of CRM app to individual or team.
Go to Permission and jump to Permission.
Click on +Permission button
Select Individual user or team and assign role which you want and click on Save button.
Edit User Permission
You can choose to edit the user permission that you have created.
To edit user permission
Make the necessary changes and click Save.
Delete User Permission
User permission once added can be deleted if no longer necessary.
To delete user permission
Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted
View User Permission
You can choose to view the user permission that you have created.
To view user permission
You can see all details of User Permission