Configure Offboarding Task
You can create offboarding task and assign that task to individual or any team. You can assign due date on joining date, before joining date or after joining date
Add Offboarding Task
Go to Task Config
Click on +Task button to add new task
Enter all details of task and click o Save button
A New task added at the top
Edit Offboarding Task
You can choose to edit the offboarding task that you have created.
To edit offboarding task
Make the necessary changes and click Save
Delete Offboarding Task
Offboarding Task once added can be deleted if no longer necessary
To delete offboarding task
Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted
View Offboarding Task
You can choose to view the offboarding task that you have created.
To view offboarding task
You can see all details of offboarding task
PreviousResignationNextOffboarding Reason
Last updated 10 months ago