Create and Manage Task
Creating and managing tasks involves the process of defining, organizing, assigning, tracking, and completing individual actions or activities that contribute to the achievement of a specific goal
Create Task
You can create task from two way
From Kanban view
From list view
To create task: From Kanban view
Click on +New to add task, enter task and hit enter button
To create Task: From list view
Click on list view icon
Add task and hit enter button
Click on Edit button to edit or Update task
Enter the all details in the task page and click on save
Newly task created show on the top
Search Task
User can Search task by Task Id or Task Category or Photo filter
Delete Task
Task once added can be deleted if no longer necessary
To delete Task
Hover the mouse on the task which you would like to delete and click the Delete button
Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted
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Last updated 10 months ago