In report user can check the daily attendance of employees
To check daily attendance
Go to HR
Click on the attendance
In attendance select Report
In Attendance Report,
Check the Daily attendance of employees with all the details like, employee ID, reporting manager, employee location, date, day, check-in time, check-out time, working hours, if half day, status, if late in, check-in, check-out location,
In daily attendance report, user can check all the details of employees
To check the check-in source of employee for the selected date, select the source filter as a mobile or web and check how many employees have check in through mobile or web
User can check the daily attendance as per the status of employee, present or absent
To check the present employee for the selected date, select the status present or absent in the filter and search
Select the status as absent and search
If the employee is late for check-in, it will show in the daily attendance report
To check the employee’s check-in and check-out location click on the view location and check the location on the map
If any employee forget to check-in then if user will select the Mark as present checkbox, that employee’s daily attendance status will change to present
Total working hours will be added for that employee and status will be changed to present
If any employee mistakenly check-in and user wants to make that employee’s status to absent then click on Mark as absent
A pop up will ask for the confirmation, click on the confirm and employee’s status will change to absent
User can check the off boarded employees in daily attendance report
To check off boarded employees, select the show off boarded check box and search
The list of off boarded employees will show in the report