Attendance Report
In the attendance report, you can check the daily attendance of employee, their check-in, check-out time, total working hours, status(present/absent), check-in and check-out location
To check the attendance, click on Report and Analytics
In the Report page, select attendance
In attendance, to check the daily attendance of employees, select the employee and date, and click on search
In Daily Attendance, you can check employee name, date, day, first(check-in), last(check-out), Hrs(total working hours), status(present/absent), check-in location, and check-out location
As the employee checks in, his/her date, day, check-in time, status, and check-in location will be added to the daily attendance report
To view the exact check-in and check-out location of the employee, click on the view location
You can check the exact check-in and check-out location of the employee
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Last updated 7 months ago