Configure Email Campaign
“Email Campaign" refers to the process of planning, creating series of targeted emails with the goal of achieving specific objectives, such as promoting products, or increasing conversion
Create Email
Go to Marketing and click on Email
Click on + New Email Button
User can configure two types of email i. e. Instant and scheduled
To Instant type of email
Click on type dropdown and select Instant type
For schedule email: You need to add schedule date and time
Click on next button then jump to next tab i.e. Configure target and email
Configure target and email
Click on Configure Condition
Select email of employee whose you want to send email
Click on Ok button
Click on configure button
Enter the all details You want to send and click on OK button
Click on Update button
You can view email preview in Preview and Send tab
When click on send button Email will be Sent
Before sending a mail, the mail is on a draft mode, You can see when select Draft option
After sending Instant mail, The mail is on executed mode, You can see when select Executed option
After archived a mail, You can see when select Archived option
After sending scheduled mail, The mail is on scheduled mode, you can see when select Scheduled option
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Last updated 11 months ago