Clear targets give sale representative a clear direction and purpose, helping them prioritize their efforts.
Set Targets
In the QuickAppFlow CRM app, there are three types of targets.
1. Sales Customer Target
2. Sales Revenue Target
3. Sales Product Target
Sales Customer Target
In the left navigation, click on Target and select Customer
On the Sales Customer Target page, click on the +New to add a new record
Add all the details (Here you can select the target type as Monthly, Quarterly, and annual) and click on Save
In Admin dashboard +Sales Team Dashboard, check the added Target Type and assigned Sales Representative’s Name
Here you will find the Target Number and the Target Achieved
To check the target achieved, the target-assigned employee needs to create a customer and add a new customer
To create a customer, in CRM, select Sales and click on Customer
On the customer page, click on +New to add a customer
Add all the details and save
New customer will be added to the list
Check the added customer target in the Admin dashboard + Sales Team Dashboard
Sales Revenue Target
In the left navigation click on Target and select Revenue
In the Sales Revenue Target page click on the +New to add a new record
Add all the details (Here you can select the target type as Monthly, Quarterly, and annual) and click on Save
Check the added target in the Admin dashboard + Sales Team Dashboard
To check the achieved revenue target, one needs to assign that employee in the sales order as a sales representative.
In the left navigation select Sales + Orders
Add the Sales Representative’s Name and check the added month’s date in Date Issued field and Save
In Admin dashboard + Sales Team Dashboard, check the added Target Type and assigned Sales Representative’s Name
Where you will find the Targeted Revenue and Achieved Number
Sales Product Target
In the left navigation click on Target and select Product
In Sales Product Target Click on the +New button to add a New Product
Add all the Details (Here you can select the target type as Monthly, Quarterly and annual) and Save
Here you will see the Added Products Details