Create technical test
Recruiter can performs the 'Create technical test’ action, a popup should appear.
If a recruiter selects a single candidate to schedule a technical test, they need to choose the interview mode, meeting URL, scheduled time, contact person, and interviewer, and then click on 'Yes.'
If a recruiter selects multiple candidates to schedule a technical test based on the next availability date, they need to choose the interview mode, meeting URL, contact person, and interviewer. Afterward, click on 'Yes'.
When the technical test round is scheduled, the system sends email notifications to the candidate, sends an action-performed email to the recruiter, updates the status in the tracker as 'Technical test scheduled,' and adds an activity as 'Scheduled technical interview'.
After scheduling the technical test, the request is assigned to the interviewer and a notification is sent to the interviewer.
If the interviewer selects the candidate for this round and approves the request, the status changes to 'Technical test - passed' in the tracker, The system sends email notifications to the recruiter and the candidate, and a task activity is added as a 'Technical round passed'.
If the interviewer rejects the candidate for this round and approves the request, the status changes to ‘Technical test- failed’ in the tracker, The system sends email notifications to the recruiter and the candidate, and a task activity is added as a 'Technical round failed'.
If the interviewer holds the candidate for this round and approves the request, the status changes to ‘Technical test- hold’ in the tracker, sent email notification to the recruiter and a activity is added as a 'Candidate is on hold for technical round'.
Recruiter can see the technical test history from view history, click on action (3 dots) and click on view history.
Go to ‘Technical Test’ grid.