Bulk Edit Lead
Bulk edit enables users to modify and remove multiple records.It streamlines the editing process and enhances productivity by offering to manage and update data in larger quantities within the system.
Bulk edit
Go to Sales and click on Leads
In leads, click on the the list view
In the list view select the records that you would like to edit in bulk
As you select the records edit and delete buttons will be enabled
Click on the Edit button
Select the value in the pop-up and click on + button
If you select the pipeline field, the lead status associated with it will also be selected
Select the pipeline and lead status and click on save
Pipeline and lead status will be changed for the selected records
Bulk Delete
Go to Sales and click on Leads
In leads click on the list view
In the list view select the records that you would like to delete
As you select the records delete buttons will be enabled, click on the delete button
Give your confirmation in the pop up and the records will be deleted
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Last updated 10 months ago